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Kent Hovind Quotes
150 Sourced Quotes
Christians today disagree on the sequence of these events but my 44-year study has convinced me that the historic position that the church held to for 2,000 years is right! They taught that the rapture (the catching away of living believers when the Lord returns) happens AFTER the tribulation but BEFORE the wrath of God falls IN the Day of the Lord as shown above. The majority of believers in the world today agree. The pre-trib rapture idea, started by a 15 year old Scottish girl in 1830, that I held to for 39 years and that is held to by a VERY vocal minority today is WRONG, wishful thinking and will disappoint MANY causing them to fall away.
Kent Hovind
Well, if Evolution is true [...] you're just a bit of protoplasm that washed up on the beach. Matter of fact, you're part of the problem because you're one of the polluters of the environment and the more of you we can get rid of, the better. And by the way folks, if Evolution is true, that is normal thinking. Get rid of humanity because we're the problem. But if Creation is true, we're the purpose of this creation. God did it for us.
Kent Hovind
I believe evolution is a dangerous theory for seven reasons. [...] It's based on nothing but lies; and Satan is the father of lies. The Evolution theory removes all morality and all ways to discover how to have morality. It is the foundation for humanism, racism, Nazism, communism, and the New World Order.
Kent Hovind
Average person has 3500 defective genes. But that would not be the case when the race was pure and clean.
Kent Hovind
My first question [upon ascending to Heaven], believe it or not, will be, 'Did Adam and Eve have a belly button?' I don't know why, but that has bothered me for years.
Kent Hovind
Always remember, as bad as it may be for you, it is worse for the lost. They may have it better for a while if they go along with the beast and take his mark, but that better will come to an end. Those who obeyed Hitler had it good, too—for a few years. The lost face some of the same problems of economic collapse, wars, earthquakes, PLUS, they will be here for the next 1,040 days of God's wrath being poured out after the rapture and THEN eternity in the Lake of Fire!
Kent Hovind
GUN CONTROL! That is what the Branch Davidian compound attack was all about. David Koresh was a gun collector and a tax evader. Boy, they didn't like him, and one of the purposes for that raid was to scare the American people into submission. You better register your firearms. Make sure they know. They might come for you as they did for Koresh.
Kent Hovind
20 years ago it would not have been possible for the world's economy to be run using a mark. Computer chip implants are now common and it is totally possible to eliminate cash, credit cards, checks, debit cards and go to all electronic transactions. Anyone who doesn't go along to get along will not be welcome on the planet. Have you seen the commercials where everyone is dancing smoothly through the checkout line buying their food until one idiot wants to pay with CASH? It messes up the smooth flow of things for everyone. Those commercials are psychological preparations for people to accept the mark. Watch for many more to be on TV!
Kent Hovind
Adam and Eve probably had hundreds of children. They lived 800 years, and one could have a lot of children in 800 years.
Kent Hovind
Scientists and archaeologists have no clue how the ancients were able to excavate, let alone move such huge stones on such rough and uneven terrain. They cannot be moved by any combination of modern equipment today. Whole books have been written on speculation as to how they moved these massive stones. Many writers conclude that aliens must have visited earth and done this with technology about which we know nothing! Ahhhh?... there is a much simpler solution... Ancient man, especially pre-flood, and for a few hundred years post-flood, lived lots longer and accumulated lots more knowledge than we have today! No Aliens required!
Kent Hovind
Oklahoma City bombing was done on purpose. Did you know the Federal Government blew up their own building to blame it on the militias and to get rid of some people that weren't cooperating with the system?
Kent Hovind
The biblical system of punishment is just perfect. It's perfect and we are doing nothing similar to the biblical system.
Kent Hovind
Many pro football players run 100 yards with a ball while a bunch of HUGE guys try to stop them, hurt them, stomp on them etc. They do it because they get paid well! Do you REALLY believe God's promises about rewards for the martyrs? (Matthew 5:10; 24:13; 1 Thessalonians 3:4; 1 Timothy 2:12; 3:12, etc.) The 1st century Christians sure did! The Romans were amazed that they seemed so eager to die for their faith! Tens of thousands are dying yearly in Communist, Hindu and Muslim countries RIGHT NOW. Are we willing to suffer for the Lord? We will find out!
Kent Hovind
Get your children out of the public schools, if possible. The problem with the lies in the books is not fixable in the short term and there is a great chance your student will be negatively impacted if you leave them in a public school setting.
Kent Hovind
This evolution theory is the foundation philosophy for humanism. Humanism is the idea that man is God. After all, there is no God out there, so we must be God. The Bible says, "They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind." Do humanists believe in a supreme being? Emphatically, yes, that supreme being is man. Humanists have no knowledge of any being more supreme. The turning point in history will be the moment that man becomes aware that the only God of man is man himself.
Kent Hovind
Did you know that the black suited organization that attacked the Koresh cult was a United Nations task force?
Kent Hovind
All these flat earth guys!... Here's the Hovind theory on the flat earth... I suspect, I do not know this, I just have a sneaking suspicion that some atheists someplace have got in a club together to say "Hey, let's start pushing this idea that the earth is flat, and let's see if the Christians fall for it." They've done that several times before over the last hundred years, spread some stupid idea and sometimes a lot of Christians do fall for it... And then they'll use that to sit around and laugh and say "Wow, look at how stupid these Bible-believers are!" I think this whole flat earth thing is another one of those.
Kent Hovind
See, if evolution is true, who owns the world? Who makes the rules? How do we decide right from wrong? If man is God, and that's what humanism means, there is no absolute standard. How do you tell right from wrong? I mean, maybe Osama Bin Laden should tell right from wrong for everybody. Maybe congress should decide. Maybe Bill Clinton ought to decide. "Right and wrong? Never heard of that before." How do you tell right from wrong? Where are the rules?
Kent Hovind
Everyone agrees that world events are FRIGHTENING! There are wars, famines, plagues, wild weather, diseases, earthquakes, and financial woes everywhere! The world is in a MESS! Everyone seems to be watching, waiting and praying for someone-ANYONE to come and FIX THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS and take over the world! WHO can possibly fix this CHAOS? The Bible has the ONLY real answer. God created the world, He knows how it is SUPPOSED to run and HE alone can fix it!
Kent Hovind
Could what's coming be worse than the Roman persecution, Spanish inquisition, and the purges under Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Castro, Saddam Hussein and all others who have killed Christians throughout history COMBINED? Will THAT make many fall away? Jesus warned us it would come. He wants us to endure.
Kent Hovind
If Evolution is true, how would you answer the question, 'where did I come from?' Well if Evolution is true, you came from a cosmic burp about twenty billion years ago. Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Well if Evolution is true, there is no purpose to life. So we might as well have fun. If it feels good, do it. Where am I going when I die? Well if Evolution is true, you're just going to the grave and you're going to get recycled into a worm or a plant. But the Bible says, 'In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.' Now if that's true, that puts a whole different set of answers to those questions.
Kent Hovind
This will be the grandest entrance ever made! Hollywood tries to make their stars look important with special effects, fireworks and noise as they enter the stage. HA! Wait till Jesus comes! EVERYONE will stop what they are doing and look up. His entrance will be seen worldwide! There is no secret coming found in the Bible.
Kent Hovind
This is King James Version, which I use and I recommend everybody use if you speak English. I collect other versions of the Bible. I'm not afraid of them; but folks, there's been some very serious changes made in some of these other versions. Many have left out the blood in dozens of places; many have taken away the deity of Christ. Some serious changes. Many have taken out over 200 verses!
Kent Hovind
It's true feathers and scales are both made of keratin, same building block, that's true. But that's where the similarity stops, okay? Actually, birds and reptiles have different lung systems. And they have different reproductive systems, different body coverings, different brains, and different circulatory systems. Thousands of differences exist between dinosaurs and birds. That could be a whole seminar by itself.
Kent Hovind
I think there was a layer of several inches of crystal clear ice, probably in the form of metallic hydrogen, about 10-20 miles up. It could have been held up by the earth's magnetic field or the internal air pressure like a giant inflatable building or even helped by the centrifugal force of the spinning earth. It could also have had its own spin to help suspend it. Maybe a combination of effects.
Kent Hovind
There are HUNDREDS of SPECIES of Carnivora listed in zoology books today. Noah did NOT have to take HUNDREDS of pairs of Carnivora on the ark. Just 7 pairs MAY have done the trick. Changing from a wolf to a dog is a MINOR change compared to a dog coming from a ROCK (over billions of years of course!). I don't care how many billions or trillions of years they want to imagine it took- animals ALWAYS bring forth after their kind just as the Bible says.
Kent Hovind
Evolution was Vladimir Ilich Lenin's problem. Lenin lead the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and took over Russia. He killed the Zar [sic] and his family in cold blood. There would not be communism in Russia today if had not been for Charles Darwin's book on evolution.
Kent Hovind
The Trail of Tears was where the Cherokee Indians were driven out of the Chattanooga area all the way to Oklahoma.... Evolution is responsible for what happened to the Indians. How any Indian can believe in evolution just blows my mind.... [The] evolution theory is what destroyed them.
Kent Hovind
Evolution is the foundation for communism. Communism is a theory that believes that God does not exist or is not necessary; that man is responsible. Ties hand in hand with humanism.
Kent Hovind
It seems that everyone in the pre-flood time matured MUCH more slowly. They would be a kid for fifty years and then a teen for another forty. They generally didn't even start looking for a wife until they were nearly a hundred years of age!
Kent Hovind
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Once you bring life into the world, you must protect it. We must protect it by changing the world.
Elie Wiesel
Kent Hovind
Creative Commons
January 15, 1953
(age 72)
Kent E. Hovind is an American Christian fundamentalist evangelist and tax protester.
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