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I believe in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth, and God did it that way on purpose just to make the Big Bang theory look stupid.
Kent Hovind
Psalm 148 says, "Praise him,... ye waters that be above the heavens." Maybe there is still water beyond outer space. The Bible says the Lord sits on many waters. Maybe this whole thing that we see, this huge universe with all these "bazillions" of stars. Maybe the whole thing is surrounded by water. That's the only verse I've got to back up this theory. But maybe everything we see is all inside one of them little glass balls on God's dresser that you pick up and you shake once in a while and the snowflakes float around, you know.
Kent Hovind
I believe evolution is a dangerous theory for seven reasons. [...] It's based on nothing but lies; and Satan is the father of lies. The Evolution theory removes all morality and all ways to discover how to have morality. It is the foundation for humanism, racism, Nazism, communism, and the New World Order.
Kent Hovind
This evolution theory is the foundation philosophy for humanism. Humanism is the idea that man is God. After all, there is no God out there, so we must be God. The Bible says, "They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind." Do humanists believe in a supreme being? Emphatically, yes, that supreme being is man. Humanists have no knowledge of any being more supreme. The turning point in history will be the moment that man becomes aware that the only God of man is man himself.
Kent Hovind
All these flat earth guys!... Here's the Hovind theory on the flat earth... I suspect, I do not know this, I just have a sneaking suspicion that some atheists someplace have got in a club together to say "Hey, let's start pushing this idea that the earth is flat, and let's see if the Christians fall for it." They've done that several times before over the last hundred years, spread some stupid idea and sometimes a lot of Christians do fall for it... And then they'll use that to sit around and laugh and say "Wow, look at how stupid these Bible-believers are!" I think this whole flat earth thing is another one of those.
Kent Hovind
Evolution is the foundation for communism. Communism is a theory that believes that God does not exist or is not necessary; that man is responsible. Ties hand in hand with humanism.
Kent Hovind
The Trail of Tears was where the Cherokee Indians were driven out of the Chattanooga area all the way to Oklahoma.... Evolution is responsible for what happened to the Indians. How any Indian can believe in evolution just blows my mind.... [The] evolution theory is what destroyed them.
Kent Hovind
Who's an Aryan? And what are these lower peoples anyway? Well, Hitler taught that the blond-haired, blue-eyed Norwegians were close to pure Aryan. Did you follow all of that? The blond-haired, blue-eyed Norwegian. And he thought the Germans were mostly Aryan? The Mediterranean's are slightly Aryan. Slavics are half Aryan, half ape. Orientals are slightly ape. The black Africans are mostly ape and the Jews are close to pure ape. Hitler killed the Jews because of his evolution thinking. We fought a really big war, probably a 100 million people died in World War II altogether because of that stupid theory. It's not just dumb, folks, it's dangerous.
Kent Hovind
[Evolution Theory] is the motivating factor for guys like Hitler and Stalin and George Bush, by the way, who is a Satan worshiper, like we don't know that.
Kent Hovind
The Smithsonian Institute [sic] has 33,000 sets of human remains in their basement... Many of them were taken while the people were still alive. They were so desperate to find missing links, so desperate to prove their theory that they murdered people to prove it. It was the philosophy of evolution that drove them.
Kent Hovind
The continental drift theory is designed to avoid two problems for the evolutionists. One, the magnetic field is getting weaker. Number two, there is very little sediment in the ocean. And another explanation for that might be that the Bible is right and the Earth is not billions of years old.
Kent Hovind
Once people accepted the false notion that the earth was older than 6,000-years, regardless of how they justified it with the plain teachings of Scripture, the door was open for acceptance of the evolution theory, which became popular in 1859 after Darwin published his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, of the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. It's been downhill ever since!
Kent Hovind
Ten percent of all the boys in schools are now threatened or injured with a weapon at school. One out of ten. The number of students caught with a firearm increased 29 percent in one year. "Natural selection"? If the strongest survive, well then if that guy's bigger than me, I better bring a gun to even the odds. This evolution theory is not just dumb, folks, it's dangerous. It removes all morality. There's no such thing as right and wrong. Might becomes right. Textbooks say you're an animal and share a common heritage with earthworms. Could it possibly be that what we are teaching kids is causing this problem in our schools?
Kent Hovind
I don't know why this [flat earth theory is] becoming an issue now. I... suspect strongly this is a hoax put forth by the atheists to see how far the Christians will take it.
Kent Hovind
Why hasn't there been a Christian response to this dinosaur stuff? What the Christian did in the 1800's is they compromised their Bible. They invented the "Gap Theory" to accommodate the dinosaurs. They let Satan have the dinosaurs; that is what happened.
Kent Hovind
The only book that I have read that really struck home with me giving a possible explanation for UFOs was [...] The Cosmic Conspiracy by Stan Deyo. [...] Deyo, a Christian, is a genius who wrote the book way over my head. [...] He says that Satan has always used that mode of transportation to get around because the devil can only be at one place at one time [...] I do not know if it is true, but it is an interesting theory.
Kent Hovind
And by the way, the theory of evolution was popular way before Darwin; he just made it more popular. Aristotle taught a form of evolution in 400 B. C. The Egyptians taught evolution to Moses when he was in school. They said, "Life evolved from the slime on the Nile River." Moses learned that growing up. Later, he edited the book of Genesis. "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth." Didn't phase him, okay?
Kent Hovind
Satan is using evolution theory to make kids go to hell.
Kent Hovind
Quote of the day
What the insurance companies have done is to reverse the business so that the public at large insures the insurance companies.
Gerry Spence
Kent Hovind
Creative Commons
January 15, 1953
(age 72)
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