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Always remember, as bad as it may be for you, it is worse for the lost. They may have it better for a while if they go along with the beast and take his mark, but that better will come to an end. Those who obeyed Hitler had it good, too—for a few years. The lost face some of the same problems of economic collapse, wars, earthquakes, PLUS, they will be here for the next 1,040 days of God's wrath being poured out after the rapture and THEN eternity in the Lake of Fire!
Kent Hovind
20 years ago it would not have been possible for the world's economy to be run using a mark. Computer chip implants are now common and it is totally possible to eliminate cash, credit cards, checks, debit cards and go to all electronic transactions. Anyone who doesn't go along to get along will not be welcome on the planet. Have you seen the commercials where everyone is dancing smoothly through the checkout line buying their food until one idiot wants to pay with CASH? It messes up the smooth flow of things for everyone. Those commercials are psychological preparations for people to accept the mark. Watch for many more to be on TV!
Kent Hovind
I'm going to be real surprised if we go two more years. We are so close [to the New World Order]. All we need is one good disaster - which will be manufactured - they create their own disasters. Like the Twin Towers - they blew it up themselves - and they do that so they can bring in their solution. And what they want - if you look at what they want - they want a one world government - a New World Order - with Satan in charge. Period. That's the goal.
Kent Hovind
Scientists and archaeologists have no clue how the ancients were able to excavate, let alone move such huge stones on such rough and uneven terrain. They cannot be moved by any combination of modern equipment today. Whole books have been written on speculation as to how they moved these massive stones. Many writers conclude that aliens must have visited earth and done this with technology about which we know nothing! Ahhhh?... there is a much simpler solution... Ancient man, especially pre-flood, and for a few hundred years post-flood, lived lots longer and accumulated lots more knowledge than we have today! No Aliens required!
Kent Hovind
All these flat earth guys!... Here's the Hovind theory on the flat earth... I suspect, I do not know this, I just have a sneaking suspicion that some atheists someplace have got in a club together to say "Hey, let's start pushing this idea that the earth is flat, and let's see if the Christians fall for it." They've done that several times before over the last hundred years, spread some stupid idea and sometimes a lot of Christians do fall for it... And then they'll use that to sit around and laugh and say "Wow, look at how stupid these Bible-believers are!" I think this whole flat earth thing is another one of those.
Kent Hovind
Christians today disagree on the sequence of these events but my 44-year study has convinced me that the historic position that the church held to for 2,000 years is right! They taught that the rapture (the catching away of living believers when the Lord returns) happens AFTER the tribulation but BEFORE the wrath of God falls IN the Day of the Lord as shown above. The majority of believers in the world today agree. The pre-trib rapture idea, started by a 15 year old Scottish girl in 1830, that I held to for 39 years and that is held to by a VERY vocal minority today is WRONG, wishful thinking and will disappoint MANY causing them to fall away.
Kent Hovind
It seems that everyone in the pre-flood time matured MUCH more slowly. They would be a kid for fifty years and then a teen for another forty. They generally didn't even start looking for a wife until they were nearly a hundred years of age!
Kent Hovind
The human population growth over the last 2,000 years is well documented. The current population of seven billion could easily have come from eight people who got off Noah's ark 4,400 years ago. If man had really been here four million years ago, like the evolutionists teach, why isn't the earth stacked with people halfway to the moon?
Kent Hovind
I suspect SARS is one of the many, many, many man-made pathogens to purposely lower the human population. That's just what I would suspect. I love my country, I fear my government, okay. There have been all kinds of things produced in the last 50 years in various laboratories - and things like that - that are designed to kill people. Bottom line: I think SARS is probably one of those man-made pathogens, like probably AIDS is the same thing.
Kent Hovind
There are HUNDREDS of SPECIES of Carnivora listed in zoology books today. Noah did NOT have to take HUNDREDS of pairs of Carnivora on the ark. Just 7 pairs MAY have done the trick. Changing from a wolf to a dog is a MINOR change compared to a dog coming from a ROCK (over billions of years of course!). I don't care how many billions or trillions of years they want to imagine it took- animals ALWAYS bring forth after their kind just as the Bible says.
Kent Hovind
If Evolution is true, how would you answer the question, 'where did I come from?' Well if Evolution is true, you came from a cosmic burp about twenty billion years ago. Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Well if Evolution is true, there is no purpose to life. So we might as well have fun. If it feels good, do it. Where am I going when I die? Well if Evolution is true, you're just going to the grave and you're going to get recycled into a worm or a plant. But the Bible says, 'In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.' Now if that's true, that puts a whole different set of answers to those questions.
Kent Hovind
Israel became a nation again in 1948. If the strange verse in Psalm 90:10 regarding the 70 or 80 years before we fly away ties in here, that would add up to 2018 or 2028. I'm gonna really keep an eye on Israel and that temple mount!
Kent Hovind
[...] Reptiles never stop growing, so before the Flood came, when the reptiles lived to be 900 years old, they would get to be really big. Dinosaurs were just big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve before the Flood came.
Kent Hovind
See, the average number of people that die every year from taking herbs is zero. Every year about three people die from taking vitamins. Every year about 320 people die from taking over-the-counter drugs. About 9,000 people die from food-borne illnesses. And every year, 90,000 to 110,000 people die from taking correctly prescribed drugs. This is not counting the incorrectly prescribed!
Kent Hovind
While we could study any of the world's dictators to see how they gained control over their people, Hitler is probably the best known and most well documented example. I believe his persecution of the Jews was Satan's trial run for the end time events coming upon us soon including the 3½ years of great tribulation (4D). Hitler's method of getting Germans to hate and then kill the Jews should be studied carefully. I am convinced similar methods will be used to bring persecution against any who will not go along with Satan's plans for his New World Order, especially Christians and anyone else who won't take the mark (Revelation 13-14).
Kent Hovind
The continental drift theory is designed to avoid two problems for the evolutionists. One, the magnetic field is getting weaker. Number two, there is very little sediment in the ocean. And another explanation for that might be that the Bible is right and the Earth is not billions of years old.
Kent Hovind
If we assume the pre-Flood world had ideal living conditions, their memory, wisdom, and accumulated knowledge would have been incredible! How much could you learn in 900 years?! Add to that the fact that you can go talk with your great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, who is still living. You can learn from them and build on that knowledge. Plus, don't forget that Methuselah could have known Adam for 243 years and learned from him; and Adam walked and talked with God Himself for maybe 100 years! I suspect the pre-Flood knowledge and maybe even technology and inventions would blow our minds today!
Kent Hovind
The top of the Great Pyramid [.....] there's no capstone on the pyramid. Till the year 2000 celebrations when George Bush [Snr.] and some of these guys put a phony one up there. See, they think they are going to have a new world order, and they probably are.
Kent Hovind
Did you know 75 percent of kids who go from Christian homes to public schools are going to lose their faith after one year of college? You parents better think long and hard before you send your kids off to school. Are you sending them off to a secular university so they could make more money in life? Is that your goal? You're willing to risk three fourths of them? I'd recommend at least one good year of Bible College before they go to a secular school, even if it's not accredited.
Kent Hovind
In their effort to misinform students, evolutionists often point out that feathers and scales are both made of the same protein, keratin. They will tell you that this proves that feathers evolved from scales. The book will use fancy terms to make it sound official such as, "dinosaurs had some avian characteristics." Well, a bicycle has certain "automotive characteristics," like a frame and tires; but this does not prove that bicycles turned into cars over millions of years!
Kent Hovind
"The Earth is billions of years old. The geologic column is the way to interpret it, and Charles Darwin's evolution is right." That is what they teach in order to be a good communist. Did you know that Russian teachers come to America to study education because the American educational system is considered the best in the world for teaching students these three principals. This prepares them to be good communists and to doubt the word of God.
Kent Hovind
There's not enough Scripture to be real dogmatic, but it appears that there's going to be a thousand-year span, coming after the end of this age, when if you're saved, you're going to get to live here for a thousand years. With everything fixed back to Garden-of-Eden conditions! Kids, you're going to get to have your own pet dinosaurs. That's going to be cool.
Kent Hovind
What would happen to a reptile if you put him in the Garden of Eden and let him live to be 900 years old? You'd have a big lizard - a really big lizard! Dinosaurs were big lizards that lived with Adam and Eve before the Flood came. You can get these Jackson chameleons right now at the pet store. What's he going to look like at about 15 tons? Probably some kind of triceratops.
Kent Hovind
If somebody says, 'Oh Evolution is not a religion. It's a part of Science.' Well, I've had a long time standing offer. For about ten years now, I've been offering ten thousand dollars to anybody with any scientific evidence for Evolution.
Kent Hovind
They really were living to be 900 years old, and there's a lot of biological reasons why they could do that. In the original creation, there was no genetic load. There [sic] were not deformed chromosomes, and they didn't suffer under the... You know, your gene code now is a copy off a copy off a copy off a copy who knows how many times of Adam. And the fact that it even works at all is pretty amazing. After all this copying process it's been through and plus the hostile environment, we, and the extra things we throw at it.
Kent Hovind
So, to answer the question, What did God do before the Creation? there was no before the Creation. God actually created time for us to live in. He's not in time like we are, so the question is invalid. Think on that one for a few years (or since 1969, like I've been doing!). I can say it but I still can't understand it. I'm one blind man trying to tell another blind man about colors. Once we get to Heaven, we will say, O-o-o-o-h! So That's how it works! Once God gives us eyes to see and ears to hear in Heaven, I'm sure many more things will make sense! I'm ready for that day! I hope you are, too.
Kent Hovind
God promised He would preserve His Words (Psalms 12:6–7). After many years of study on that topic, I have become convinced He did preserve it, for the English-speaking world, in the King James Bible.
Kent Hovind
Many believe that more Christians have already been killed in the last one hundred years than in the previous nineteen hundred years!
Kent Hovind
Once people accepted the false notion that the earth was older than 6,000-years, regardless of how they justified it with the plain teachings of Scripture, the door was open for acceptance of the evolution theory, which became popular in 1859 after Darwin published his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, of the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life. It's been downhill ever since!
Kent Hovind
Ten percent of all the boys in schools are now threatened or injured with a weapon at school. One out of ten. The number of students caught with a firearm increased 29 percent in one year. "Natural selection"? If the strongest survive, well then if that guy's bigger than me, I better bring a gun to even the odds. This evolution theory is not just dumb, folks, it's dangerous. It removes all morality. There's no such thing as right and wrong. Might becomes right. Textbooks say you're an animal and share a common heritage with earthworms. Could it possibly be that what we are teaching kids is causing this problem in our schools?
Kent Hovind
Quote of the day
What the insurance companies have done is to reverse the business so that the public at large insures the insurance companies.
Gerry Spence
Kent Hovind
Creative Commons
January 15, 1953
(age 72)
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