Now, partly that was work, and partly that was brains, but very largely it was having the guts, the guts to be immodest in the right way.

On the growth of Polaroid, in a statement to employees (25 June 1958), as quoted in Insisting on the Impossible : The Life of Edwin Land (1998) by Victor K. McElheny, p. 198

Now, partly that was work, and partly that was brains, but very largely it was having the guts, the guts to be immodest in the right way.

Now, partly that was work, and partly that was brains, but very largely it was having the guts, the guts to be immodest in the right way.

Now, partly that was work, and partly that was brains, but very largely it was having the guts, the guts to be immodest in the right way.

Now, partly that was work, and partly that was brains, but very largely it was having the guts, the guts to be immodest in the right way.