Every day, almost as many men are killed at work as were killed during the average day in Vietnam. For men, there are, in essence, three male-only drafts: the draft of men to all the wars; the draft of Everyman to unpaid bodyguard; the draft of men to all the hazardous jobs—or 'death professions.'

p. 105. - The Myth of Male Power (1993) - Part II: The Glass Cellars of the disposable sex

Every day, almost as many men are killed at work as were killed during the average day in Vietnam. For men, there are, in essence, three male-only...

Every day, almost as many men are killed at work as were killed during the average day in Vietnam. For men, there are, in essence, three male-only...

Every day, almost as many men are killed at work as were killed during the average day in Vietnam. For men, there are, in essence, three male-only...

Every day, almost as many men are killed at work as were killed during the average day in Vietnam. For men, there are, in essence, three male-only...