No state has hitherto existed (at least that we have any account of)... that no check whatever has existed to early marriages, among the lower classes, from a fear of not providing well for their families, or among the higher classes, from a fear of lowering their condition in life.

Parallel Chapters from the First and Second Editions of An Essay on the Principle of Population (ed. 1798)

No state has hitherto existed (at least that we have any account of)... that no check whatever has existed to early marriages, among the lower...

No state has hitherto existed (at least that we have any account of)... that no check whatever has existed to early marriages, among the lower...

No state has hitherto existed (at least that we have any account of)... that no check whatever has existed to early marriages, among the lower...

No state has hitherto existed (at least that we have any account of)... that no check whatever has existed to early marriages, among the lower...