One, by his own confession to me, that can put on two several faces, and look his enemies in the face with as much love as his friends. But, good God! what an age is this, and what a world is this! that a man cannot live without playing the knave and dissimulation.

Diary, September 1, 1661

One, by his own confession to me, that can put on two several faces, and look his enemies in the face with as much love as his friends. But, good...

One, by his own confession to me, that can put on two several faces, and look his enemies in the face with as much love as his friends. But, good...

One, by his own confession to me, that can put on two several faces, and look his enemies in the face with as much love as his friends. But, good...

One, by his own confession to me, that can put on two several faces, and look his enemies in the face with as much love as his friends. But, good...