Roy Ascott Quote

When art is a form of behaviour, software predominates over hardware in the creative sphere. Process replaces product in importance, just as system supersedes structure.

Behaviourables and Futuribles, manifesto, 1967; as cited in: Edward A. Shanken. "Cybernetics and Art: Cultural Convergence in the 1960s." 2002

When art is a form of behaviour, software predominates over hardware in the creative sphere. Process replaces product in importance, just as system...

When art is a form of behaviour, software predominates over hardware in the creative sphere. Process replaces product in importance, just as system...

When art is a form of behaviour, software predominates over hardware in the creative sphere. Process replaces product in importance, just as system...

When art is a form of behaviour, software predominates over hardware in the creative sphere. Process replaces product in importance, just as system...