Roy Ascott Quote

Recognition that art was located in an interactive system rather than residing in a material object... provid[ed] a discipline as central to an art of interactivity as anatomy and perspective had been to the renaissance vision.

Interactive Art, unpublished manuscript, 1994, p. 3; as cited in: Edward A. Shanken. "Cybernetics and Art: Cultural Convergence in the 1960s." 2002

Recognition that art was located in an interactive system rather than residing in a material object... provid[ed] a discipline as central to an art...

Recognition that art was located in an interactive system rather than residing in a material object... provid[ed] a discipline as central to an art...

Recognition that art was located in an interactive system rather than residing in a material object... provid[ed] a discipline as central to an art...

Recognition that art was located in an interactive system rather than residing in a material object... provid[ed] a discipline as central to an art...