Roger Ebert Quote

Many moviegoers and video viewers say they do not "like" black and white films. In my opinion, they are cutting themselves off from much of the mystery and beauty of the movies.
Black and white is an artistic choice, a medium that has strengths and traditions, especially in its use of light and shadow. Moviegoers of course have the right to dislike b&w, but it is not something they should be proud of. It reveals them, frankly, as cinematically illiterate.
I have been described as a snob on this issue. But snobs exclude; they do not include. To exclude b&w from your choices is an admission that you have a closed mind, a limited imagination, or are lacking in taste.

First published in the "Movie Answer Man" column (25 July 2004).

Many moviegoers and video viewers say they do not like black and white films. In my opinion, they are cutting themselves off from much of the mystery ...

Many moviegoers and video viewers say they do not like black and white films. In my opinion, they are cutting themselves off from much of the mystery ...

Many moviegoers and video viewers say they do not like black and white films. In my opinion, they are cutting themselves off from much of the mystery ...

Many moviegoers and video viewers say they do not like black and white films. In my opinion, they are cutting themselves off from much of the mystery ...