Roger Ebert Quote

A movie should present its characters with a problem and then watch them solve it, not without difficulty. So says an old and reliable screenplay formula. Countless movies have been made about a boy and a girl who have a problem (they haven't slept with each other) and after difficulties (family, war, economic, health, rival lover, stupid misunderstanding) they solve it by sleeping with each other. Now we have a movie about two homosexuals that follows the same reliable convention.

Review of Latter Days (13 February 2004). - Reviews - Two-and-a-half star reviews

A movie should present its characters with a problem and then watch them solve it, not without difficulty. So says an old and reliable screenplay...

A movie should present its characters with a problem and then watch them solve it, not without difficulty. So says an old and reliable screenplay...

A movie should present its characters with a problem and then watch them solve it, not without difficulty. So says an old and reliable screenplay...

A movie should present its characters with a problem and then watch them solve it, not without difficulty. So says an old and reliable screenplay...