We have got used to relying on precedents of England to such an extent that it seems almost sacrilegious to have a different interpretation even if our conditions and circumstances might seem to require a different interpretation.

From his speech given on 28 November 1960 at laying the foundation-stone of the building of the Law Institute of India, in: p. 16 - Presidents of India, 1950-2003

We have got used to relying on precedents of England to such an extent that it seems almost sacrilegious to have a different interpretation even if...

We have got used to relying on precedents of England to such an extent that it seems almost sacrilegious to have a different interpretation even if...

We have got used to relying on precedents of England to such an extent that it seems almost sacrilegious to have a different interpretation even if...

We have got used to relying on precedents of England to such an extent that it seems almost sacrilegious to have a different interpretation even if...