Paul DiLascia Quote

A bug! A bug! Isn't it just so satisfying to discover bugs in other people's programs? Especially people from Microsoft. I don't know why, it's probably some kind of Freudian code-envy thing.

June, 1995

Paul DiLascia is editor of the Microsoft Systems Journal

A bug! A bug! Isn't it just so satisfying to discover bugs in other people's programs? Especially people from Microsoft. I don't know why, it's...

A bug! A bug! Isn't it just so satisfying to discover bugs in other people's programs? Especially people from Microsoft. I don't know why, it's...

A bug! A bug! Isn't it just so satisfying to discover bugs in other people's programs? Especially people from Microsoft. I don't know why, it's...

A bug! A bug! Isn't it just so satisfying to discover bugs in other people's programs? Especially people from Microsoft. I don't know why, it's...