Mortimer Adler Quote

For the educational establishment... test scores are treated as indications of the extent to which the required ground covering has been done.... as educationally significant. However, while they may be prognostic of a child's ability to get through school... they do not provide us with an appraisal of the child's progress in the long process of becoming a generally educated human being — the advance made toward a more skillful, thoughtful, and cultivated mind.

p. 312 - Reforming Education: The Opening of the American Mind (1990)

For the educational establishment... test scores are treated as indications of the extent to which the required ground covering has been done.... as...

For the educational establishment... test scores are treated as indications of the extent to which the required ground covering has been done.... as...

For the educational establishment... test scores are treated as indications of the extent to which the required ground covering has been done.... as...

For the educational establishment... test scores are treated as indications of the extent to which the required ground covering has been done.... as...