Morris Kline Quote

By 1700 all of the familiar members of the [number] system... were known. However, opposition to the newer types of numbers was expressed throughout the century. Typical are the objections of... Baron Francis Masères... in 1759 his Dissertation on the Use of the Negative Sign in Algebra... shows how to avoid negative numbers... and especially negative roots, by carefully segregating the types of quadratic equations so that those with negative roots are considered separately; and... the negative roots are to be rejected.

p. 592. - Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times (1972)

By 1700 all of the familiar members of the [number] system... were known. However, opposition to the newer types of numbers was expressed throughout...

By 1700 all of the familiar members of the [number] system... were known. However, opposition to the newer types of numbers was expressed throughout...

By 1700 all of the familiar members of the [number] system... were known. However, opposition to the newer types of numbers was expressed throughout...

By 1700 all of the familiar members of the [number] system... were known. However, opposition to the newer types of numbers was expressed throughout...