All things are already complete in oneself. There is no greater joy than to examine oneself and be sincere. When in one's conduct one vigorously exercises altruism, humanity is not far to seek, but right by him.

The Book of Mencius bk. 7, pt. A, v. 4

All things are already complete in oneself. There is no greater joy than to examine oneself and be sincere. When in one's conduct one vigorously...

All things are already complete in oneself. There is no greater joy than to examine oneself and be sincere. When in one's conduct one vigorously...

All things are already complete in oneself. There is no greater joy than to examine oneself and be sincere. When in one's conduct one vigorously...

All things are already complete in oneself. There is no greater joy than to examine oneself and be sincere. When in one's conduct one vigorously...