Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and of theoretical structures within every field. Thus science is split into innumerable disciplines continually generating new subdisciplines. In consequence, the physicist, the biologist, the psychologist and the social scientist are, so to speak, encapusulated in their private universes, and it is difficult to get word from one cocoon to the other.

p. 29 - General System Theory (1968) - 2. The Meaning of General Systems Theory

Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and...

Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and...

Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and...

Modern science is characterized by its ever-increasing specialization, necessitated by the enormous amount of data, the complexity of techniques and...