The belief that value judgments are not subject, in the last analysis, to rational control, encourages the inclination to make irresponsible assertions regarding right and wrong or good and bad. One evades discussion of serious issues by the simple device of passing them off as value problems, whereas, to say the least, many of these conflicts arose out of man's very agreement regarding values.

p. 23 - What is Political Philosophy (1959)

The belief that value judgments are not subject, in the last analysis, to rational control, encourages the inclination to make irresponsible...

The belief that value judgments are not subject, in the last analysis, to rational control, encourages the inclination to make irresponsible...

The belief that value judgments are not subject, in the last analysis, to rational control, encourages the inclination to make irresponsible...

The belief that value judgments are not subject, in the last analysis, to rational control, encourages the inclination to make irresponsible...