Kent Hovind Quote

What's happened, though, the ACLU wants teachers to believe they cannot teach Creation in the public schools. That just is a lie. By the way, in case you don't know, ACLU stands for the America Communist Lawyers Union. The stated purpose of the founder was to advance communism. That's the purpose of the ACLU. Now maybe all the lawyers involved don't know that. But that is the stated purpose of that organization. They want to advance communism around the world.

Creation seminars (2003-2005) - The Age of the Earth

What's happened, though, the ACLU wants teachers to believe they cannot teach Creation in the public schools. That just is a lie. By the way, in case ...

What's happened, though, the ACLU wants teachers to believe they cannot teach Creation in the public schools. That just is a lie. By the way, in case ...

What's happened, though, the ACLU wants teachers to believe they cannot teach Creation in the public schools. That just is a lie. By the way, in case ...

What's happened, though, the ACLU wants teachers to believe they cannot teach Creation in the public schools. That just is a lie. By the way, in case ...