Ken Wilber Quote

Modern science is no longer denying spirit. And that, that is epochal. As Hans Küng remarked, the standard answer to "Do you believe in Spirit?" used to be, "Of course not, I'm a scientist," but it might very soon become, "Of course I believe in Spirit. I'm a scientist."

The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes: Exploring the Leading Edge of Science (1982), Introduction

Modern science is no longer denying spirit. And that, that is epochal. As Hans Küng remarked, the standard answer to Do you believe in Spirit? used...

Modern science is no longer denying spirit. And that, that is epochal. As Hans Küng remarked, the standard answer to Do you believe in Spirit? used...

Modern science is no longer denying spirit. And that, that is epochal. As Hans Küng remarked, the standard answer to Do you believe in Spirit? used...

Modern science is no longer denying spirit. And that, that is epochal. As Hans Küng remarked, the standard answer to Do you believe in Spirit? used...