Julia Cameron Quote

We call what we write brainchildren, and just as a pregnancy must not be overstressed and artificially hurried for fear of damaging or aborting the child, so, too, a piece of work asks that we not try to force it in unnatural directions.

The Right to Write (1998)

We call what we write brainchildren, and just as a pregnancy must not be overstressed and artificially hurried for fear of damaging or aborting the...

We call what we write brainchildren, and just as a pregnancy must not be overstressed and artificially hurried for fear of damaging or aborting the...

We call what we write brainchildren, and just as a pregnancy must not be overstressed and artificially hurried for fear of damaging or aborting the...

We call what we write brainchildren, and just as a pregnancy must not be overstressed and artificially hurried for fear of damaging or aborting the...