Some of our astronomers here incline to the opinion that it is a planet and not a comet; if you are of that opinion it should forthwith be provided with a name [or] our nimble neighbors, the French, will certainly save us the trouble of Baptizing it.

In: Constance A. Lubbock, The Herschel Chronicle (p. 95), The Macmillan Company. 1933

Some of our astronomers here incline to the opinion that it is a planet and not a comet; if you are of that opinion it should forthwith be provided...

Some of our astronomers here incline to the opinion that it is a planet and not a comet; if you are of that opinion it should forthwith be provided...

Some of our astronomers here incline to the opinion that it is a planet and not a comet; if you are of that opinion it should forthwith be provided...

Some of our astronomers here incline to the opinion that it is a planet and not a comet; if you are of that opinion it should forthwith be provided...