John Ziman Quote

The communication of modern science to the ordinary citizen, necessary, important, desirable as it is, cannot be considered an easy task. The prime obstacle is lack of education. … There is also the difficulty of making scientific discoveries interesting and exciting without completely degrading them intellectually. … It is a weakness of modern science that the scientist shrinks from this sort of publicity, and thus gives an impression of arrogant mystagoguery.

John M. Ziman (1976). The Force of Knowledge: The Scientific Dimension of Society. Cambridge University Press. p. 119. ISBN 0-521-09917-X.

The communication of modern science to the ordinary citizen, necessary, important, desirable as it is, cannot be considered an easy task. The prime...

The communication of modern science to the ordinary citizen, necessary, important, desirable as it is, cannot be considered an easy task. The prime...

The communication of modern science to the ordinary citizen, necessary, important, desirable as it is, cannot be considered an easy task. The prime...

The communication of modern science to the ordinary citizen, necessary, important, desirable as it is, cannot be considered an easy task. The prime...