James Frazer Quote

If any of my readers set out with the notion that that all races of men think and act much in the same way as educated Englishmen, the evidence of superstitious belief and custom collected in this work should suffice to disabuse him of so erroneous a prepossession.

Chapter 27, Succession to the Soul. - The Golden Bough (1890)

If any of my readers set out with the notion that that all races of men think and act much in the same way as educated Englishmen, the evidence of...

If any of my readers set out with the notion that that all races of men think and act much in the same way as educated Englishmen, the evidence of...

If any of my readers set out with the notion that that all races of men think and act much in the same way as educated Englishmen, the evidence of...

If any of my readers set out with the notion that that all races of men think and act much in the same way as educated Englishmen, the evidence of...