Hu Yaobang Quote

Journalists should give 80 percent of space to reporting good things and achievements and 20 percent to criticizing the seamy side of things and expose our shortcomings [...] This conforms with the reality of society.

Commenting on news content

China: The Television Revolution (1988) by Nancy K. Rivenburgh

China: The Television Revolution[]

Journalists should give 80 percent of space to reporting good things and achievements and 20 percent to criticizing the seamy side of things and...

Journalists should give 80 percent of space to reporting good things and achievements and 20 percent to criticizing the seamy side of things and...

Journalists should give 80 percent of space to reporting good things and achievements and 20 percent to criticizing the seamy side of things and...

Journalists should give 80 percent of space to reporting good things and achievements and 20 percent to criticizing the seamy side of things and...