I saw no poor men, except a few intemperate ones. I saw some very poor women; but God and man know that the time has not come for women to make their injuries even heard of.

Society in America (1837)

I saw no poor men, except a few intemperate ones. I saw some very poor women; but God and man know that the time has not come for women to make their ...

I saw no poor men, except a few intemperate ones. I saw some very poor women; but God and man know that the time has not come for women to make their ...

I saw no poor men, except a few intemperate ones. I saw some very poor women; but God and man know that the time has not come for women to make their ...

I saw no poor men, except a few intemperate ones. I saw some very poor women; but God and man know that the time has not come for women to make their ...