The years will not
answer for what they have done, that much is
certain. There is no shaking them, we
might have foreseen this but refused.

Integer Vitae [Poem]

Poetry, Volume 188 (Modern Poetry Association, 2006), p. 111[]

The years will not answer for what they have done, that much is certain. There is no shaking them, we might have foreseen this but refused.

The years will not answer for what they have done, that much is certain. There is no shaking them, we might have foreseen this but refused.

The years will not answer for what they have done, that much is certain. There is no shaking them, we might have foreseen this but refused.

The years will not answer for what they have done, that much is certain. There is no shaking them, we might have foreseen this but refused.