Afther lookin' the candydates over, said Mr. Dooley, an' studyin' their qualifications carefully, I can't truthfully say that I see a prisidintial possibility in sight

Mr. Dooley on Baseball, in Mr. Dooley on Making a Will and Other Necessary Evils, 1919

Afther lookin' the candydates over, said Mr. Dooley, an' studyin' their qualifications carefully, I can't truthfully say that I see a prisidintial...

Afther lookin' the candydates over, said Mr. Dooley, an' studyin' their qualifications carefully, I can't truthfully say that I see a prisidintial...

Afther lookin' the candydates over, said Mr. Dooley, an' studyin' their qualifications carefully, I can't truthfully say that I see a prisidintial...

Afther lookin' the candydates over, said Mr. Dooley, an' studyin' their qualifications carefully, I can't truthfully say that I see a prisidintial...