Enoch Powell Quote

Does my right hon. Friend not know that it is fatal for any Government or party or person to seek to govern in direct opposition to the principles on which they were entrusted with the right to govern? In introducing a compulsory control of wages and prices, in contravention of the deepest commitments of this party, has my right hon. Friend taken leave of his senses?

Question to Prime Minister Edward Heath in the House of Commons (6 November 1972).

Does my right hon. Friend not know that it is fatal for any Government or party or person to seek to govern in direct opposition to the principles on ...

Does my right hon. Friend not know that it is fatal for any Government or party or person to seek to govern in direct opposition to the principles on ...

Does my right hon. Friend not know that it is fatal for any Government or party or person to seek to govern in direct opposition to the principles on ...

Does my right hon. Friend not know that it is fatal for any Government or party or person to seek to govern in direct opposition to the principles on ...