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Quotes about Donald Trump
66 Sourced Quotes
I was trying to let science guide our policy, but he [Donald Trump] was putting as much stock in anecdotal things that turned out not to be true as he was in what scientists like myself were saying. That caused unnecessary and uncomfortable conflict where I had to essentially correct what he was saying, and put me at great odds with his people.
Anthony S. Fauci
I strongly support Donald Trump for President. I think only Trump has the financial independence to take on the special interests. Trump doesn't need the lobbyists or the special interest money with the strings attached. He is the only one who can fix a broken system. Trump's pro-growth tax reform plan will supercharge the economy. Trump can actually cut waste because he is not beholden to the special pleaders. Trump will get in Hillary's face and confront her with her lies. Jeb [Bush] gave Hillary [Clinton] a medal. The Bush and Clinton families profiteer off public service together. Is it civility or shared criminality? Only Trump can make America great again!
Roger Stone
What you're seeing is the emergence of Trump Democrats – you know, Democrats who realize that Democratic policies have failed them, that Hillary Clinton and these Democrats continue to be full of hot air, and they want substance. And they know that Donald Trump is a man who has built an empire, this business empire that is just incredible. And he has hired Americans for jobs, and he has employed folks, whereas his opponent has never written a check, or signed a paycheck for anyone, you know, because she's worked for the government, and has never really created jobs, and knows how to do that.
Omarosa Manigault
Mr. Trump genuinely has nothing to lose. He doesn't need the money, he doesn't need the power and he certainly doesn't need the fame. It seems that Donald Trump genuinely thinks the country is going to hell and simply doesn't want to wait on the sidelines as it happens. Can he win? Who knows. One thing's for sure; if Barack Obama makes this into another election that places personality over substance, celebrity over accomplishments, I can see only one outcome... Mr. President, you're fired.
Steven Crowder
If I were to have told you five years ago that somewhere in the near future, we would see a candidate whisked into office not based on any previous political accomplishments, not for any stellar track record with the American public, but by the sheer magnitude of his celebrity... Wait, did I just describe the Barack Obama circa '08 or did I just describe Donald Trump?
Steven Crowder
Donald Trump understands that what can make our nation safe again is a recommitment to a system of justice in which no government official, not even those who have fought their way to the marble and granite halls of Washington; no private citizen, not even Hillary Clinton; and no group of people, despite the fervor with which they press forward their grievances, can claim privilege above the law. It cannot happen in the United States.
David Clarke (sheriff)
Donald Trump is the steadfast leader our nation needs. He has spoken passionately to me of his belief in our American system of justice, and he speaks to the values that are at the foundation of our social contract. Throughout his campaign, and over many years before, he has consistently and constantly raised his voice — not only in defense of the character of the American police officer, but the need for all people to feel they are being treated fairly and respectfully by law enforcement.
David Clarke (sheriff)
Donald Trump is right. We are at war and our homeland security and immigration policies are a complete mess. The Syrian refugee issue and the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino have kick-started a much needed debate and have brought some alarming information to the American people. It starts with basic government incompetence and the suffocating PC culture that Republican and Democrat establishment leaders are slaves to along with the liberal media.
David Bossie
If the President [Donald Trump] put Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that's a Russia connection.
Sean Spicer
Of Donald Trump:
I don't think the president owns a bathrobe. He definitely doesn't wear one.
Sean Spicer
Journalists and everyone in America has a Constitutional right to express themselves or write what they want to write. But he [Donald Trump] equally has a right to make sure that the record is set straight, the facts are known, and that people can't just take potshots without being held accountable.
Sean Spicer
Donald Trump did exactly what he said he'd do on the campaign trail and frankly what we should have more of, which is luring companies to stay here by easing regulations, by lowering the tax burden so that more Americans can have U.S. jobs.
Sean Spicer
[Donald Trump] is a pro-life president, he wants to stand up for all Americans, including the unborn.
Sean Spicer
Yesterday, the President of the United States [Donald Trump], in this very platform, threatened the governments of the world to submit to its designs, to its orders and to cooperate with its policies in the United Nations system, or he would act accordingly. Venezuela has been attacked with a fierce diplomatic offensive at all of the United Nations system bodies, supported by satellite kneeled governments blackening the honor of the peoples that they are called to represent.
Nicolás Maduro
Of the inauguration of Donald Trump:
This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe.
Sean Spicer
In truth, modern life requires many people of talent and intelligence to run big institutions, including governments. Others resent their quality wherever they find it. They see it as oppressive. Then Donald Trump came before them and sneered at government leadership, in a style that had nothing to do with talent or intelligence.... To accomplish this, his followers needed only to mark a ballot. Soon he looked like the man they always needed. In the future, this strategy may well be called Trumpism. For now, American journalists call it populism.
Robert Fulford (journalist)
Surely you can understand the confusion, considering Donald Trump never voted for the Iraq War — Hillary Clinton did — and then she didn't support the troops to have what they need, it was under Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, that changed the rules of engagements that probably cost his life.
Katrina Pierson
When H L Mencken wrote "As democracy is perfected... the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron" he could foresee neither Donald Trump nor social media. But Mencken had it right.
Matthew Parris
Donald Trump says he wants to make America great again – well, he could start by actually making things in America again.
Hillary Clinton
Of Donald Trump:
He was elected and he said that he was going to do this. And now the world seems to be scandalized because he's implementing what he promised he would do during his campaign.
Marine Le Pen
He (Donald Trump) was speaking specifically to the reports that the father (Khizr M. Khan), who is a strong proponent of Sharia Law. And actually writing about it and how the Constitution should be subordinate to Sharia Law.
Katrina Pierson
Republican Party is dead. It was wounded by the tea party absolutists who insisted on political purity and rejected any compromise. Now it has been killed by Donald Trump.
Max Boot
Almost everybody hates the Washington swamp, including lots of people who live there. Of all American institutions, Congress has the lowest approval rating, less than 10 percent, and the military has the highest at 73 percent. In the Middle East and Latin America, numbers like these would portend a military coup. But we don't live in the Middle East or Latin America. We live here. So instead of a military coup, we got Donald Trump.
Michael Totten
Donald Trump, along with Bernie Sanders and Gary Johnson and so many others, talks about Iraq as if the Middle East would be fine if the Baath Party were left in place in Baghdad. It's a frankly ludicrous proposition. The Baath Party is still in place next-door in Syria, and how's that working out? These kinds of governments can only keep a lid on things until they can't.
Michael Totten
The New York Times reported that people running Donald Trump's campaign have blocked him from using Twitter. Or more accurately, they switched his phone with a calculator and he still hasn't noticed.
Jimmy Fallon
Donald Trump is Hillary Clinton's Christmas gift wrapped up under a tree. I am the lump of coal in her stocking.
Carly Fiorina
Then it will matter little how much both liberals and conservatives rail against stupid and crazy voters. Nor will they have Donald Trump to kick around any more. In the end, they will have no one to blame but themselves.
John Feffer
He's making a big promise. But his advisors have said, his own advisors have said, he may not stand by them.... One of the differences between Donald Trump and me is I'm telling you what I will do, I'm laying out my plans, and I will stand by them, and I want you to hold me accountable for delivering results. This all reminds me of that old saying, 'if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.'
Hillary Clinton
When you have Republican candidates for president and in Congress telling you that climate change is a hoax, which is Donald Trump and other candidates' position, what they are really saying is, we don't have the guts to take on the fossil fuel industry.... You know what happens to that Republican who listens to the scientists? On that day, that Republican loses his campaign funding from the Koch brothers and the fossil fuel industry.
Bernie Sanders
A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military. If he doesn't respect respect all Americans, he can't serve all Americans!... There's no other Donald Trump. This is it.
Hillary Clinton
Quote of the day
The belief of our Reason is an Exercise of Faith, and Faith is an Act of Reason.
Joseph Glanvill
Donald Trump
Creative Commons
June 14, 1946
(age 78)
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