The whole neocon thing proves the pathetic limpness of American conservatism by setting a bar that is laughably low by historical standards and then failing to meet it. Conservatism is a disaster. What we need is full-on Bourbon reaction—offense, not defense. Whatever is done, it needs to eradicate leftism, not just ameliorate it or try to slow it down. You don't argue with cancer. You cut it out.

They Say "Racist!!" Your Reply Is..., 2Blowhards (October 6, 2008)

The whole neocon thing proves the pathetic limpness of American conservatism by setting a bar that is laughably low by historical standards and then...

The whole neocon thing proves the pathetic limpness of American conservatism by setting a bar that is laughably low by historical standards and then...

The whole neocon thing proves the pathetic limpness of American conservatism by setting a bar that is laughably low by historical standards and then...

The whole neocon thing proves the pathetic limpness of American conservatism by setting a bar that is laughably low by historical standards and then...