The university and segments of industry are becoming more and more alike. As the university becomes tied into the world of work, the professor—at least in the natural and some of the social sciences—takes on the characteristics of an entrepreneur... The two worlds are merging, physically and psychologically... The campus and society are undergoing a somewhat reluctant and cautious merger, already well advanced. M. I. T. is at least as much related to industry and government as Iowa State ever was to agriculture.

Clark Kerr, 1963, The Uses of the University, Harvard University Press, p. 115.

The university and segments of industry are becoming more and more alike. As the university becomes tied into the world of work, the professor—at...

The university and segments of industry are becoming more and more alike. As the university becomes tied into the world of work, the professor—at...

The university and segments of industry are becoming more and more alike. As the university becomes tied into the world of work, the professor—at...

The university and segments of industry are becoming more and more alike. As the university becomes tied into the world of work, the professor—at...