I stand upon this great principle. I say that the people of England have a right to control the executive power, by the interference of their representatives in this House of parliament. The right honorable gentleman [William Pitt] maintains the contrary. He is the cause of our political enmity.

Speech in the House of Commons (27 February 1786), reprinted in J. Wright (ed.), The Speeches of the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox in the House of Commons. Volume III (1815), p. 201.

I stand upon this great principle. I say that the people of England have a right to control the executive power, by the interference of their...

I stand upon this great principle. I say that the people of England have a right to control the executive power, by the interference of their...

I stand upon this great principle. I say that the people of England have a right to control the executive power, by the interference of their...

I stand upon this great principle. I say that the people of England have a right to control the executive power, by the interference of their...