That dog is mine said those poor children; that place in the sun is mine; such is the beginning and type of usurpation throughout the earth.

In French: Ce chien est a moi, disaient ces pauvres enfants; c'est la ma place au soleil. Voila le commencement et l'image de l'usurpation de toute la terre.

The Thoughts, Letters and Opuscules of Blaise Pascal (ed. 1859)

That dog is mine said those poor children; that place in the sun is mine; such is the beginning and type of usurpation throughout the earth.

That dog is mine said those poor children; that place in the sun is mine; such is the beginning and type of usurpation throughout the earth.

That dog is mine said those poor children; that place in the sun is mine; such is the beginning and type of usurpation throughout the earth.

That dog is mine said those poor children; that place in the sun is mine; such is the beginning and type of usurpation throughout the earth.