The words cut through me, pinned me to the floor. I felt as though I were taking the oath with him, promising to dedicate my own life to the service of my country. I was the wife of the President of the United States. What an astonishing place for Elizabeth Ann Bloomer to have come to.

The Times of My Life (1978)

The words cut through me, pinned me to the floor. I felt as though I were taking the oath with him, promising to dedicate my own life to the service...

The words cut through me, pinned me to the floor. I felt as though I were taking the oath with him, promising to dedicate my own life to the service...

The words cut through me, pinned me to the floor. I felt as though I were taking the oath with him, promising to dedicate my own life to the service...

The words cut through me, pinned me to the floor. I felt as though I were taking the oath with him, promising to dedicate my own life to the service...