Baldwin R. Hergenhahn Quote

Primitive humans responded to all of their emotional experiences in terms of myths, and it is this tendency toward myth making that is registered in the collective unconscious and passed on to future generations. What we inherit, then, is the tendency to reexperience some manifestation of these primordial myths as we encounter events that have been associated with those myths for eons. Each archetype can be viewed as an inherited tendency to respond emotionally and mythologically to certain kinds of experience—for example, when a child, a mother, a lover, a nightmare, a death, a birth, an earthquake, or a stranger is encountered.

p. 75; as cited in Hergenhahn (2008) - An introduction to theories of learning, (2005)

Primitive humans responded to all of their emotional experiences in terms of myths, and it is this tendency toward myth making that is registered in...

Primitive humans responded to all of their emotional experiences in terms of myths, and it is this tendency toward myth making that is registered in...

Primitive humans responded to all of their emotional experiences in terms of myths, and it is this tendency toward myth making that is registered in...

Primitive humans responded to all of their emotional experiences in terms of myths, and it is this tendency toward myth making that is registered in...