Apollonius of Rhodes - Argonautica 57 Sourced Quotes
Remote, Medea's fair attendants moan, Cling round their queen, and groan return for groan. As when a nest, surcharg'd with callow young, Falls from the lofty cliff to which it clung, Th' unfeather'd brood by shrillest cries attest Their far-flown mother, and their ruin'd nest: As on the banks Pactolus' streams bedew, Melodious swans their dying notes renew; The rivers, gliding the rich vales among, Bear on their silver streams the soothing song. Apollonius of Rhodes
As when from street to street, in wild dismay, Affrighted mortals, like pale spectres, stray; Expecting wars, or plagues, or bursting rains, That deluge all the harvest of the plains: Or, as when statues drops of blood distil, And fancied bellowings the temples fill; The noon-day sun eclips'd involves in night Th' astonish'd world, and stars emit their light: Thus on the beach they stalk'd, a heartless clan! Like sweating statues, or like spectres wan. Apollonius of Rhodes
As when a bull, whom galling gadflies wound, Forsakes the meadows, and the marshy ground, The flowery food, the herd and herdsmen shuns, Now stands stock-still, and restless now he runs; Stung by the breese, he maddens with the pain, Tosses aloft his head, and roars amain. Apollonius of Rhodes
As some good housewife, who, to labour born, Fresh to her loom must rise with early morn; Studious to gain what human wants require, In embers heap'd preserves the seeds of fire; Renew'd by these the brand rekindling burns, And all the glowing heap to ashes turns: Thus, kindling slow, love's secret flames invade, And torture, as they rise, the troubled maid: Her changeful cheeks the heart-felt anguish show, Now pale they turn, now like the ruby glow. Apollonius of Rhodes