As some good housewife, who, to labour born,
Fresh to her loom must rise with early morn;
Studious to gain what human wants require,
In embers heap'd preserves the seeds of fire;
Renew'd by these the brand rekindling burns,
And all the glowing heap to ashes turns:
Thus, kindling slow, love's secret flames invade,
And torture, as they rise, the troubled maid:
Her changeful cheeks the heart-felt anguish show,
Now pale they turn, now like the ruby glow.

Lines 327–336 - Argonautica (3rd century BC) - Book III

As some good housewife, who, to labour born, Fresh to her loom must rise with early morn; Studious to gain what human wants require, In embers heap'd ...

As some good housewife, who, to labour born, Fresh to her loom must rise with early morn; Studious to gain what human wants require, In embers heap'd ...

As some good housewife, who, to labour born, Fresh to her loom must rise with early morn; Studious to gain what human wants require, In embers heap'd ...

As some good housewife, who, to labour born, Fresh to her loom must rise with early morn; Studious to gain what human wants require, In embers heap'd ...