Then terror seiz'd them, when with sudden shock
The refluent billows forc'd them on the rock;
With chilling fears was every nerve unstrung,
While o'er their heads impending ruin hung.
Before, behind, they saw the spacious deep,
When instant, lo! a billow, vast and steep,
Still rises higher, and still wider spreads,
And hangs a watery mountain o'er their heads.
The heroes stoop'd, expecting by its fall
That mighty billow would o'erwhelm them all...

Lines 747–756 - Argonautica (3rd century BC) - Book II

Then terror seiz'd them, when with sudden shock The refluent billows forc'd them on the rock; With chilling fears was every nerve unstrung, While...

Then terror seiz'd them, when with sudden shock The refluent billows forc'd them on the rock; With chilling fears was every nerve unstrung, While...

Then terror seiz'd them, when with sudden shock The refluent billows forc'd them on the rock; With chilling fears was every nerve unstrung, While...

Then terror seiz'd them, when with sudden shock The refluent billows forc'd them on the rock; With chilling fears was every nerve unstrung, While...