The virtues chose Modesty to be their queen.
"I did not know that I was a virtue," she said. "Why did you not choose Innocence?"
"Because of her ignorance," they replied. "She knows nothing but that she is a virtue."

p. 358 - Epigrams

The virtues chose Modesty to be their queen. I did not know that I was a virtue, she said. Why did you not choose Innocence? Because of her...

The virtues chose Modesty to be their queen. I did not know that I was a virtue, she said. Why did you not choose Innocence? Because of her...

The virtues chose Modesty to be their queen. I did not know that I was a virtue, she said. Why did you not choose Innocence? Because of her...

The virtues chose Modesty to be their queen. I did not know that I was a virtue, she said. Why did you not choose Innocence? Because of her...