I never had any other desire so strong, and so like to covetousness, as that one which I have had always, that I might be master at last of a small house and large garden, with very moderate conveniences joined to them, and there dedicate the remainder of my life only to the culture of them and the study of nature.
And there (with no design beyond my wall) whole and entire to lie, In no unactive ease, and no unglorious poverty.

The Garden, Preface

I never had any other desire so strong, and so like to covetousness, as that one which I have had always, that I might be master at last of a small...

I never had any other desire so strong, and so like to covetousness, as that one which I have had always, that I might be master at last of a small...

I never had any other desire so strong, and so like to covetousness, as that one which I have had always, that I might be master at last of a small...

I never had any other desire so strong, and so like to covetousness, as that one which I have had always, that I might be master at last of a small...