Ysabella Brave - Feel Quotes 7 Sourced Quotes
I've been asked by a lot of new YouTube people or other singers — all kinds of professions, frankly, as to whether I feel very successful and very loved now that I've got bup-up-up-up subscribers and however many nice comments and sweetness, and I really, really do! I was thinking going into this that the odds were against me — you're online, there's this anonymity, people are mean sometimes, and still considering all that, it's overwhelming the sweetness and the affection that I am getting — I'm every day impressed by this — every day! And there are a lot of horrible, horrible people on here, just like there is in the rest of the world. But remember, "don't be overcome with evil — overcome evil with good." Ysabella Brave
If you're coming into this YouTube thing, do it because of what you can do for other people... Don't worry so much about yourself, and if you're doing ok, and if you love yourself — you do, trust me. Think of what you can do for other people... Not some kind of self review, not some kind of day or week or however long to make sure you feel good about yourself — but thinking about the other people all around you, all the time, who could always — always use a hand, one way or another, even if it's kindness. Think of that instead. And maybe you are starting to notice my quote on the page "Look without, and you will be fulfilled within — without a doubt." I really mean that — look without, without of yourself — not within. Ysabella Brave
Don't you think that it's amazing that I'm singing into this silly camera with the desk lamp, and it's going through all these wires and everything else, and these computers, and you still feel what I'm feeling, and you still get what I'm trying to do? Yeah. I think its amazing. And I think it's so nice in a period when we're very isolated people, and kind of emotionless people, I think it's great that we can still touch one another and we can still feel what we're feeling, and we can still have fun, and we can be sad, and we can be happy, and to know that someone cares about you — because I really do. I really do. And I can't believe that I have over 10,000 subscribers. What is wrong with you people? Ysabella Brave