I went, and I was rejected immediately — like that. First chance I got to sing, they said "you have a very excellent voice, it's amazing, blah, blah, blah — not what we're looking for." And that was it. And you know, thinking about it later: I don't think it's really for me — you know what I mean? That's all we're going to say about that. Let's move on.

On trying out for "American Idol" in "This Just In!" (30 January 2007)

I went, and I was rejected immediately — like that. First chance I got to sing, they said you have a very excellent voice, it's amazing, blah,...

I went, and I was rejected immediately — like that. First chance I got to sing, they said you have a very excellent voice, it's amazing, blah,...

I went, and I was rejected immediately — like that. First chance I got to sing, they said you have a very excellent voice, it's amazing, blah,...

I went, and I was rejected immediately — like that. First chance I got to sing, they said you have a very excellent voice, it's amazing, blah,...