But if any other course, in any one's opinion, be better than this, let him, even though he be a private soldier, boldly give us his sentiments; for the safety, which we all seek, is a general concern.

Bk. 3, ch. 2; p. 89. - Anabasis

But if any other course, in any one's opinion, be better than this, let him, even though he be a private soldier, boldly give us his sentiments; for...

But if any other course, in any one's opinion, be better than this, let him, even though he be a private soldier, boldly give us his sentiments; for...

But if any other course, in any one's opinion, be better than this, let him, even though he be a private soldier, boldly give us his sentiments; for...

But if any other course, in any one's opinion, be better than this, let him, even though he be a private soldier, boldly give us his sentiments; for...