To predict what has not been observed, is to attempt ourselves to use the legislative phrases of nature; and when she responds plainly and precisely to that which we thus utter, we cannot but suppose that we have in a great measure made ourselves masters of the meaning and structure of her language.

The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Founded Upon Their History, (2nd edition), Book XI, Chapter V (pp. 64-65)

To predict what has not been observed, is to attempt ourselves to use the legislative phrases of nature; and when she responds plainly and precisely...

To predict what has not been observed, is to attempt ourselves to use the legislative phrases of nature; and when she responds plainly and precisely...

To predict what has not been observed, is to attempt ourselves to use the legislative phrases of nature; and when she responds plainly and precisely...

To predict what has not been observed, is to attempt ourselves to use the legislative phrases of nature; and when she responds plainly and precisely...