[The inhabitants of Jupiter] it would seem, be cartilaginous and glutinous masses.... If life be there, it does not seem in any way likely, that the living things can be anything higher in the scale of being, than such boneless, watery, pulpy creatures.

The Plurality of Worlds, Chapter IX (pp. 208-209), Gould & Lincoln. 1854

[The inhabitants of Jupiter] it would seem, be cartilaginous and glutinous masses.... If life be there, it does not seem in any way likely, that the...

[The inhabitants of Jupiter] it would seem, be cartilaginous and glutinous masses.... If life be there, it does not seem in any way likely, that the...

[The inhabitants of Jupiter] it would seem, be cartilaginous and glutinous masses.... If life be there, it does not seem in any way likely, that the...

[The inhabitants of Jupiter] it would seem, be cartilaginous and glutinous masses.... If life be there, it does not seem in any way likely, that the...