In truth, we know causes only by their effects; and in order to learn the nature of the causes which modify the earth, we must study them through all ages of their action, and not select arbitrarily the period in which we live as the standard for all other epochs.

History of the Inductive Sciences (1857), Vol. 3 514

In truth, we know causes only by their effects; and in order to learn the nature of the causes which modify the earth, we must study them through all ...

In truth, we know causes only by their effects; and in order to learn the nature of the causes which modify the earth, we must study them through all ...

In truth, we know causes only by their effects; and in order to learn the nature of the causes which modify the earth, we must study them through all ...

In truth, we know causes only by their effects; and in order to learn the nature of the causes which modify the earth, we must study them through all ...