When so great and unusual a phenomenon, as an earthquake, and that repeated, happens among us; it will naturally excite a serious reflexion in every one that is capable of thinking.

The Philosophy of Earthquakes, Natural and Religious - To Martin Folkes (p. 5), C. Corbet. 1750

When so great and unusual a phenomenon, as an earthquake, and that repeated, happens among us; it will naturally excite a serious reflexion in every...

When so great and unusual a phenomenon, as an earthquake, and that repeated, happens among us; it will naturally excite a serious reflexion in every...

When so great and unusual a phenomenon, as an earthquake, and that repeated, happens among us; it will naturally excite a serious reflexion in every...

When so great and unusual a phenomenon, as an earthquake, and that repeated, happens among us; it will naturally excite a serious reflexion in every...