Drink deep of the love of God in Christ, who shed his Blood to save his Church [...] It is such a love alone that will constrain you, and remain unquenched though in the midst of many waters.

New-Englands true interest not to lie (1670), p. 38

Drink deep of the love of God in Christ, who shed his Blood to save his Church [...] It is such a love alone that will constrain you, and remain...

Drink deep of the love of God in Christ, who shed his Blood to save his Church [...] It is such a love alone that will constrain you, and remain...

Drink deep of the love of God in Christ, who shed his Blood to save his Church [...] It is such a love alone that will constrain you, and remain...

Drink deep of the love of God in Christ, who shed his Blood to save his Church [...] It is such a love alone that will constrain you, and remain...