Shall pack-horses,
And hollow pampered jades of Asia,
Which cannot go but thirty miles a day,
Compare with Caesars, and with Cannibals,
And Trojan Greeks?

Henry IV, Part 2 (1597) act 2, sc. 4, l. [176]

Shall pack-horses, And hollow pampered jades of Asia, Which cannot go but thirty miles a day, Compare with Caesars, and with Cannibals, And Trojan...

Shall pack-horses, And hollow pampered jades of Asia, Which cannot go but thirty miles a day, Compare with Caesars, and with Cannibals, And Trojan...

Shall pack-horses, And hollow pampered jades of Asia, Which cannot go but thirty miles a day, Compare with Caesars, and with Cannibals, And Trojan...

Shall pack-horses, And hollow pampered jades of Asia, Which cannot go but thirty miles a day, Compare with Caesars, and with Cannibals, And Trojan...